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Month: April 2010

’tis the season

It’s my first spring in Japan, and from the end of March to early April I finally got to see the sakura trees here in full bloom.  I checked out a festival in my city’s park, wandered around my neighborhood, and in general just enjoyed things throughout the time the trees were blooming (a period of about a couple weeks, this year).  These photos aren’t the best ever, but they’re something.  Enjoy.

By now, most of the trees are losing their petals, and you can see them littering the streets and floating in the air.  That, too, has its own kind of beauty.  The whole transition into spring here feels like an event – admittedly, it’s an event that means a lot of people go out to the park armed with beer and blue tarps, but it’s fun.  I’m looking forward to seeing all of this happen again next year.

There’s a video in the works about this – I’ve just been lazy about editing.  It’ll be up soon!

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